Voter involvement is key to the success of our campaign. Take the first step by joining us!
The Mid Leicestershire Campaign Team have an active program of contacting local residents to understand what matters to them. While much of this happens through this website, email, and increasingly social media, there is still no substitute for meeting people face to face and letting people know what we stand for through traditional leaflets and letters.
So we have a weekly program of canvassing, delivering leaflets, stuffing envelopes and meeting local residents across the villages of Mid Leicestershire. If you are interested in helping our campaign in any way, please take the first step by signing up here to register your interest. It will only take a few seconds and a member of our campaign team will be in touch with you in person to see how you can help in the way that suits you best.
You can also join our "Adopt a Street" scheme. This is where you adopt a street/s in your area so we have a local presence. After all you know you area better than anyone.
Contact us should you want further details.