Peter Bedford MP Member of Parliament - Mid Leicestershire County Councillor - Markfield, Desford & Thornton MPCounty Councillors
Deborah Taylor County Councillor - Bradgate Division Borough Councillor - Anstey Ward County CouncillorsBorough Councillors
Lee Breckon County Councillor - Glenfields, Muxloe and Leicester Forests Division District Councillor - Faire Ward Deputy Chair Political - Mid Leicestershire Conservatives Association OfficersCounty CouncillorsDistrict Councillors
Nick Chapman County Councillor - Glenfields, Muxloe and Leicester Forests Division District Councillor - Ellis Ward Branch Chair - Castle Branch County CouncillorsDistrict CouncillorsBranch officers
David Snartt Borough Councillor - Forest Bradgate Ward Vice President - Mid Leicestershire Conservatives Association OfficersBorough Councillors
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Richard Weston Deputy Chair Membership & Finance - Mid Leicestershire Conservative Association Association Officers