Lunch club
Beedles Lake Golf Club, 170 Broome Lane, East Goscote, Leicester LE7 3WQ.
As below, and we do hope you will be able to attend this lunch, or even join as a member.
The membership subscription is £7 per person, the price of lunch is £13.50 for members and £15.50 for guests.
I have included a membership form, and if you wish to join, please return the form (one per person), along with £7.00 per person membership (cheques to CCWO), to Brenda Brayshaw, 36 Avenue Road, Queniborough LE7 3FA
Any queries, please contact Brenda Brayshaw on [email protected] or 0116 2605801.
Or contact our office on
Tel: 0116 2608 609
Email: [email protected]
5th June (AGM) - James Craven - "The History of Perfume”
Luncheon Club
Membership Application 2015
Telephone number...............................................................................
Email address.......................................................................................
Please tell me about any dietary requirements
Vegetarian..................Gluten Free....................Fruit Salad................
Any other allergy / intolerance i.e. fish, nuts, certain meats etc
Please delete as appropriate:
I will/will not be attending the Lunch on 5th September
Please return this form, together with a cheque for £7.00 made out to CCWO to Mrs B. Brayshaw 36 Avenue Road, Queniborough, Leics. LE7 3FA by August 22nd.
Please note that if you are unable to eat the main meal of the day you will be given the vegetarian option [unless this would be unsuitable because of a declared allergy]
If you ask for Fruit salad it will be given to you at every lunch & if you do not choose fruit salad you will be given the sweet of the day at every lunch
Lunch club - James Craven - "The History of Perfume”
Friday, 5th June 2015